What do I do if I am having trouble downloading the Lincoln Way™* App?
Below is a list of reasons why you may be having trouble downloading the Lincoln Way App.
Your device does not have enough storage space for the update/download.
- Delete unused apps/files from your device.
- Try downloading the app again.
You may be experiencing network/internet connection issues.
- Check your Wi-Fi connection.
- If Wi-Fi is turned off, turn Wi-Fi on and attempt to connect.
- If Wi-Fi is turned on, turn Wi-Fi off and attempt to connect using cellular data.
- Check your cellular connection.
- If cellular data is turned off, turn cellular data on and attempt to connect.
- If cellular data is turned on, turn cellular data off and attempt to connect using Wi-Fi.
Your device may need a restart.
- Power off your device for 30 - 60 seconds.
- Turn on your device.
- Try downloading the app again.
Note: If you are still unable to download the app, please reach out to your device manufacturer for more assistance.
Información adicional
What do I do if I am having other issues with the Lincoln Way App?
*The Lincoln Way App, compatible with select smartphone platforms, is available via a download. Se pueden aplicar cargos por mensajes y datos.